Hello Amazing!
I’m fascinated with airplanes, especially how they are built to be safe, by designing for the critical things that can go wrong. For example, what do you do if an engine fails during take-off? As the plane accelerates down the runway it will reach a speed where it is not yet fast enough to fly, but going so fast that it can’t stop safely either. This speed is called V1, and it varies depending on aircraft and weather conditions. At this speed the pilot will no longer abort the take-off. Even if an engine explodes, the other engine will keep accelerating the plane until it can lift off. I love that there is this in-between area, where you have to do something counter-intuitive in the event of a failture. It made me think of my own (less dangerous) work, where there are also times where a project can be in trouble, team members get sick, and yet you have to make it work anyway. In your work, what’s the V1 point? How do you know if you’ve reached it? Is there a similarly counter-intuitive move that helps?
With much love
— Mathias